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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ruth 2:1-12

Part 2 in the Ruth story. Naomi and Ruth have no idea how this thing will pan out, but some things start taking shape right away. While Naomi is in the pit of her sorrow, Ruth gets on with caring for the two of them. These two women, two widows (Ruth a foreign Moabite), are struggling at the bottom of the social structure. Ruth can only go work in the fields, vulnerable to who-knows-what as an unaccompanied woman among the harvest workers. And while Ruth tries to gather the leftovers of the barley harvest, she happens to find herself in the field of one of Naomi's extended family, Boaz. And Boaz happens to have heard of these two women, and happens to greatly respect their plight.

Ruth 2 starts to see some turnaround for Ruth and Naomi, and a lot of coincidence (providence?) in the process. Naomi will have her hope again, and Ruth a future. Why? Because 1) Ruth headed down the road with Naomi, and 2) she never quit.

Where do we find ourselves in the story?